Tutustu oppaisiin, white papereihin ja muihin materiaaleihimme hiilimarkkinasta. Sisällöt saatavilla englanniksi.
White paper 2023
“From carbon to nature: What the biodiversity markets can learn from the voluntary carbon market?”
The biodiversity markets serve as a means to direct private sector funding toward actions that preserve and restore biodiversity. Private and public initiatives are paving the way for the rapid development of biodiversity credits, certification schemes, and projects.
The market has the potential to preserve and restore biodiversity, but there are serious risks involved if unregulated markets are implemented badly.
Download the white paper to understand the status of the fast-evolving biodiversity market and learn what it can learn from the voluntary carbon market.
White paper 2023
From crisis to confidence
Download the white paper to learn about the integrity of the voluntary market and how to overcome the challenges.
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White paper 2023
Non-offset claims
Learn about non-offset claims that empower companies to take responsibility for their climate impact in diverse ways.
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White paper 2022
Getting the claims right
How to make credible and transparent net zero or carbon neutrality claims? What is the role of compensation in corporate climate targets?
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White paper 2021
Reforming the voluntary carbon market
90% of carbon capture projects fail our criteria – but why? Carbon capture is only useful if done well: our white paper outlines where that works needs to start.
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How to make a robust non-offset climate claim?
Watch the webinar recording to explore corporate climate claims beyond traditional offsetting and discover how these claims help avoid greenwashing risks while maintaining climate action integrity. Read more and watch the webinar recording.
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